
2014 The Year Ahead

Happy New Year! I’m back in the office chair today (or the dining chair because really it’s much more pretty looking out the window at the garden then a wall…) and I couldn’t be more excited.

There are many pretty pictures of beautiful people coming up in the next few weeks which I can’t wait to share with you all, along with some blog posts to help you plan your gorgeous day.

I will also be sharing some business and personal goals for the year ahead. Will sharing these goals be scary? Yes. Will they be achievable? Absolutely.

This is the first year since graduating University that I am actually ecstatic to be working in front of a computer on a Monday morning. I am truly looking forward to the year ahead and a dear friend of mine generously stated “I know your 2014 is going to be the perfect balance of challenge and success” and I can’t wait to prove her right!

To round out the 2013 year, here are some photos of Eriks first Christmas in our home!  All the present opening, photo taking and “Erik” cooing shenanigans made us late for our family Christmas lunch, but we were soon forgiven because everyone loves our Erik Bear.

Megan xx

Erik Christmas toy

our favourite pup requires treats to keep still for photos!

Erik Christmas 2013-004



Adelaide, South Australia